Découvrir Toul

Service culturel
Hôtel de Ville
13 rue de Rigny

The networks

Réseau des Villes-Cathédrales

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A former bishops’ town, Toul is since 2013 member of the network : Réseau des Villes-Cathédrales, that includes about sixty French towns that have a religious building that used to have or has a bishop.
The association was founded in September 2013 on the initiative of the former mayor of Quimper, Bernard Poignant. He says that “the sense of belonging of the population to their town, results partly from its heritage and certain monuments that are a source of pride for the inhabitants. The cathedral is one of the best examples”.
This association works behind the scenes, especially with workgroups and conferences answering questions of city councils about tourism, heritage and its management and about actions that could be taken together with all members.

« Les 100 Plus Beaux Détours de France »

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Founded in 1998, on the initiative of Jean Jacques DESCAMPS and the town Loches, the association of « Les Plus Detours de France” (the 100 most beautiful detours) consists of towns with less than 20.000 inhabitants, that are not along the main highways and that have a striking patrimonial wealth. The purpose of the Label is to highlight the towns with an important touristic and cultural potential, but underestimated because of their distance from the main touristic routes : these are the “Detours”.
The association works with 102 communities in France and Toul is one of them.
All these communities respect the specifications and are subject to a regular assessment : a control of the quality and the reception of the tourists. The main characteristics are : the significance of the heritage sites both architectural and immaterial, the animation of the town, the gastronomic and crafts identity, the capacity to receive tourists, the town’s development and planning dynamics, the general atmosphere in the town and its historical or commercial center.
Every year, another guide “100 Plus Beaux Détours de France” is published drawing on the expertise of Michelin and is available free of charge in touristic sites of the towns that have this label.

In Toul, special attention is given to a quality welcome in the major touristic sites, to the visual appearance in its immediate surroundings but as well to the cleanliness in the city. The assessment outcome is without appeal : the town is an example as for its heritage and its cultural events. Emphasized are the flowery areas and the quality of the reception facilities.

Réseau Séré de Rivières

Founded in 2012, just before the European Fortification Forum in Toul, the Réseau Séré de Rivières aims at linking the associations that manage the Séré de Rivières sites in the South-West Meurte-et-Moselle department. It includes several fortifications around Toul, such as they were just before WWI : Toul, the town with the garrisons, the fortress of Villey-le-Sec, of Villey-St-Etienne, the Batterie on the rocky spur of Frouard, the fortress in Jouy-sous-les-Côtes and the fortress in Pont-Saint-Vincent.
The actions of this association aim at sharing the historical research of these sites and to establish events for the public. Some of these events were the European Fortifications Forum in 2012 and the centenary of WWI in 2014 with an exhibition in the Art and History museum in Toul, the historical reconstruction of the life of the Poilus (French soldiers in the trenches) in Villey-St-Etienne and a firework display remembering the Battle in between Nancy and Lunéville (la Bataille du Grand-Couronné). The enthusiastic volunteers of the Réseau have made their association a major actor in defending the cause of preserving the fortifications of Toul and its surroundings. And they highlight the fortifications with efficient communication and remarkable events.

Réseau des Villes Fortifiées de la Grande Région

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The “Network of Fortified Towns in the Large Region” is a French non-profit association that includes local and public authorities in France (Lorraine), Germany (Sarre) and in Luxemburg. The association was founded after the show “Citadelles de Feu” in 2007 to aim at the continuation, promotion and highlighting of the remarkable fortified heritage, in a partnership with the Lorraine Region and the EEC. The 12 members of this cross border heritage association share a remarkable cultural fortified heritage and a common past because of historical reasons and the conflicts between its people.

This cross border heritage association’s aims are to :

▪ Protect the natural, architectural and historical cross border heritage
▪ Cooperate while sharing the know-how of the members of the Réseau
▪ Coordinate the actions of the towns which touch matters of heritage, culture and tourism in this Large Region
▪ Privilege the cross border exchange of skills concerning the interpretation and conservation of heritage, town and country planning and promotion strategies.
▪ Develop scientific activities through the organization of workshops and conferences
